#Get introduced to DCCT: Pave the way for digital chip card technology solutions
#What is digital chip card technology?
Digital Chip Card Technology, or DCCT for short, represents a set of innovative solutions implemented in security protocols and e-business systems that gravitate towards preserving privacy, confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of data and protection against misuse.
#What is the flywheel of digital chip card technology?
At the heart of the DCCT ecosystem lies a digital asset, up to 1MB in size, with an integrated virtual chip. This is called a digital chip card.
The "processor" of the virtual chip is powered by artificial intelligence (AI), while the "memory units" are occupied by files, associated metadata, security tags and information carriers.
#AI for the future of communications
Each card with a virtual chip contains metadata related to the content and content owner (name, title, description) and optionally, a file of any type (no larger than 1MB) attached to the card.
Security tags, consisting of a hash code, an IP address, a public key, and a timestamp, are held responsible for verifying the authenticity and integrity of the data stored on the card.
The transmission of data between devices at a short distance from each other, or over a network, is enabled by a unique sequence of numbers representing the information carrier. Generated by the applied Digital Chip Card Locker technology based on AI algorithms, the carrier provides cryptographic encryption of the transmitted data and prevents its modification, loss or damage along the way.
#Data security has been raised to the highest level
The process of authentication of a file with an integrated digital chip card is autonomous and is based on the information embedded in the file itself, without referring to external links and sources. If the authentication of a file were to be performed using data stored outside the file itself, there would be a serious risk of data manipulation.
Thanks to the security mechanisms of digital chip card technology, which intertwine and complement each other, this risk is reduced to zero.
#Where is digital chip card technology used?
Digital chip card technology introduces systematic, well-regulated, productive, economical and cost-effective tools for those who are looking to leverage blockchain technology, initiate secure wireless and online data transmission, digitally sign and encrypt documents, store files on permanent and reliable media beyond the reach of cyber attacks, facilitate international trade, provide secure channels for the transfer of financial information, cover all aspects of copyright and intellectual property protection, increase supply chain transparency, improve health services, and many others. See more...