#Create an MP3 audio business card with a QR code and a built-in personal audio message
An MP3 audio business card is a tool that helps you effectively promote yourself, your company or your product in the business world.
Powered by digital chip card technology, it is designed to integrate the cardholder's official audio presentation, personal video message, profile picture and contact information into a multi-layered MP3 data file.
#Audio and video content
The audio presentation is an audio recording that represents a natural person, legal entity or product being promoted.
That is what we hear when the MP3 file is played, while other details related to the cardholder's business are revealed after reading the card online.
The video message can be narrated in your own words and recorded with your camera or camcorder, or professionally edited for this purpose. You can use it to personally address your partners, associates, customers or fans. If you are unemployed, you can use it as a cover letter to address potential employers.
This recording appears "hidden" as invisibly and inaudibly embedded in the MP3 data file and can only be viewed when the card reader extracts it as a separate video file.
#Visual identity
The profile picture is appointed to act visually on behalf of the cardholder.
It is chosen to best match your visual identity, the identity of your company or your product.
#Business (meta)data
The data entered on filling out the form is directly associated with the business data provided by the cardholder.
This includes the cardholder's name (or company name, product name, etc.), job title (or company business area), cardholder bio (or more company or product details), and contact information.
#How to distribute MP3 audio cards
You can send an MP3 audio card as an email attachment, share on social media or via messaging apps, or transfer wirelessly between devices at a short distance from each other by scanning the QR code embedded in the artwork.
The online card reader is free to use and is available on our website 24/7.
#How to utilize QR (Quick Response) code technology
Digital chip card technology allows us to insert data into a multi-layered MP3 audio file and transfer it from one device to another by scanning the QR code embedded in the artwork of the MP3 data file.
The artwork becomes fully visible when the audio file is opened in a music player app.
The camera of the other device, to which we need to transfer the data, must be close enough and properly positioned, so that we can launch the QR code scanning app and get the content of the barcode displayed on the screen.
#Promote your business with a multi-layered digital card
![]() #All important details related to the cardholder's business are integrated into a uniquely structured MP3 data file.
You can personally address your partners, associates, clients, product consumers or potential employers using a built-in audio message.
It's a digital asset that you can send as an email attachment, share on social media or via messaging apps, or wirelessly transfer between devices at a short distance from each other by scanning the QR code embedded in the artwork of the MP3 audio card.