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John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a Sean Larvonde Thurman - Part I

Meet the guys from New York who fabricate invoices, court decisions, official corporate, federal, state and court documents
>> Prepared by Vladimir Milicev, CEO of VIDYPS 79 d.o.o. and Blue2Digital
Throughout the period 2012-2015, our company VIDYPS 79 d.b.a. Blue2Digital operated as a music distribution service with the aim of connecting its clients with multiple digital music platforms including Vevo, Google Play, Spotify and many others.
In April 2015 one of the most valued music video platforms, Vevo, sent us the royalty reports for January 2015 that did not reflect the actual number of views generated from videos licensed to Blue2Digital's clients for that month. It tended to become a serious issue as millions of views were missing. We refused to send doctored reports over to our clients and insisted on getting genuine and properly revised data. About a month later, on May 9, 2015, as apparently being unable to act on a fair and professional basis, Vevo took down the videos distributed by Blue2Digital and kept them offline for two weeks. During that time, they didn't reply to our emails or phone calls, so we couldn't tell our clients what was going on.
On the same day of May 9, 2015 I got in touch with John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Thurman (a client of ours since Sep 4, 2013) and asked for help, because I knew De'Bey had good connections with one of Vevo's major owners, Universal Music Group; De'Bey agreed to help, seeking no reward in return, but I didn't know he would eventually turn against me, my company and its clients.
John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Larvonde Thurman a.k.a. Sean L. Thurman a.k.a. Sean Thurman a.k.a. Sean Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. John De'Bey. a.k.a. John Atiko a.k.a. David Giovanelli Jr. (74 W 92nd St, 17D, New York, New York 10025, United States), his wife Sylfronia King a.k.a. Sylfronia King-De'Bey a.k.a. Sylfronia De'Bey a.k.a. Rebecca White and his mother-in-law, Dorothea Oliver-King are suspected of numerous misrepresentations, fraudulent actions and submission of forged, falsified and altered documents, including but not limited to official corporate, federal, state and court documents, documents issued by the Internal Revenue Service, the Secretary of State of the State of Nevada and NY County Clerk, alleged court decisions, falsified stock purchase agreement, fabricated invoices for alleged license fees, tax payments and accounting fees, as well as various fictitious services by fictitious attorneys. Our company paid over $87,000 to De'Bey and individuals associated with him based on these forged, falsified and altered documents.
On August 30, 2017, the case was submitted to the IC3 via WWW.IC3.GOV.
[The photo of John Guerrier De'Bey has been removed from]
* In January 2016 John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Thurman filed a name change petition before the Civil Court of the City of New York when he changed his name from Sean Larvonde Thurman to John Guerrier De'Bey: According to his Linkedin profile, he has been in a close relationship with Universal Music Group and Def Jam Recordings and no-one has ever denied it; however, his Linkedin page is full of fake or misused profiles and recommendations; just for example, the name of one of the guys De'Bey has given his recommendations to is not Micheal Marlardo, but Paul Emmanuel, and this Linkedin profile is fake (Photo: Wikimedia Commons / This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license)
  • John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Thurman lied about engaging "David Schatzman Attorney At Law" - there is no such attorney registered in the State of New York; "David Schatzman" was supposed to negotiate with another company based in the United States that owed money to my company; the money was paid to Sean Thurman's wife, Sylfronia King, for the engagement of this fictitious attorney
  • John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Thurman lied about engaging "Jim Garrison Attorney At Law" - there is no such attorney registered in the State of New York; "Jim Garrison" was supposed to also negotiate with another company based in the United States that owed money to my company; the money was paid to Sean Thurman's wife, Sylfronia King, for the engagement of this fictitious attorney
  • John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Thurman lied about engaging "Paul Rosenberg Attorney At Law"; "Paul Rosenberg" was supposed to file a lawsuit against a Netherlands based company allegedly having an office in the United States; the money was paid to himself (Sean Thurman) and his wife, Sylfronia King, for the engagement of this fictitious attorney
  • Actually, we have to stop by for a moment and introduce some updates here. Namely, John D'Bey has always claimed about his connections with Def Jam Recordings, so if you just enter "Paul Rosenberg Def Jam" in Google:
    and you also do the search of the New York State attorney directory and look for "Paul Rosenberg", you will come across very interesting information on who "Paul Rosenberg" could be. One thing's for sure: there is no such an attorney as previously introduced by John De'Bey, but in this particular case, De'Bey seems to have been inspired by a "true story".
  • John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Thurman fabricated a "court decision" in "UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS" related to a fictitious lawsuit against the aforementioned Netherlands based company, engaging fictitious "Paul Rosenberg"
  • John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Thurman fabricated an Invoice allegedly sent from "Jim Garrison Attorney At Law"; no such Invoice was issued by any attorney; the alleged "Federal Tax ID: 94- 2663290" was copied from HERE, as well as the whole concept and look of the "invoices" allegedly sent by "Jim Garrison" and "Paul Rosenberg"
  • John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Thurman fabricated an Invoice allegedly sent from "Paul Rosenberg Attorney At Law"; no such Invoice was issued by any attorney; the alleged case #407-H-6390005-28-000 was also copied from HERE - this same number was used in different documents for different purposes, not related to each other
  • John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Thurman lied about registering a company called "V-ERA Soft LLC" on my behalf in Delaware, however, no such company was registered in Delaware:
    but there is "Reug Vision INC" owned by John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Thurman with the file number 5143041 on that same address that "V-ERA Soft LLC" was allegedly founded at: 1201 ORANGE ST., STE 600 ONE COMMERCE CENTER; the money was paid to Sylfronia King's account for registering this fictitious company
  • John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Thurman lied about registering "V-ERA Soft LLC" on my behalf in Nevada, but he did try with "Reug Vision" associated with himself, on that very same date - unsuccessfully - Officer Statement filed pursuant to NRS 225.084 correcting the record by resigning unauthorized Registered Agent designated in Articles of Incorporation filed 08-05-15: (Click to search)
* Click HERE to review the documents forged, falsified and altered by John Guerrier De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Larvonde Thurman
* Click HERE to review the complaint against TD Bank related to approving a wire transfer fraud
* Click HERE to review the complaint against JPMorgan Chase Bank related to approving a wire transfer fraud
* This content is in compliance with our Terms Of Use. We are a socially responsible company whose goal is to warn people of the inconvenience and damage that irresponsible companies and individuals can cause.
.:: Introduction: Scammers in the music industry
.:: Why did VEVO actually shut down its on-demand video streaming website and apps?
.:: Should we expect the Government to address issues related to one's fraudulent activity?
.:: Meet the guys from New York who fabricate invoices, court decisions, official corporate, federal, state and court documents
.:: Meet the New York based company suspected of unauthorized use of around 1,000 music videos on Vevo
.:: Copyright infringement committed by Vevo LLC, MarvMent LLC and John De'Bey a.k.a. Sean Thurman
.:: Merlin Network - Are they intent on taking the control of the flow of revenues shared between the music platforms, indie artists and labels?
.:: Meet the guys from New York suspected of misinforming their clients on the actual status of resellers indirectly distributing videos to Vevo, submission of incorrect information and making promises about guaranteed numbers of views during the period 2014-2015
.:: How a joint venture between Sony Music Entertainment and Universal Music Group used to treat its clients
.:: The mystery of a letter allegedly written by a New York law firm partner in October 2015
.:: Complaint against TD Bank related to approving a wire transfer fraud
.:: Complaint against JPMorgan Chase Bank related to approving a wire transfer fraud
.:: PicRights Ltd. and Law Firm of Higbee & Associates seeking enormously high damages for imagery allegedly being the subject of dispute
.:: Meet the first Assamese singer who faked tens of millions of views on Vevo
.:: Is it possible to report cybercrime in India or not?
.:: A letter to Blue2Digital clients regarding the issue with Vevo
.:: Then and now: The reasons why you should not send your video to Vevo anymore
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